“Now, you’re in the river, so keep swimming.”

I feel things are out of my control right now. It’s a bit uncomfortable. My parents have this saying, “Now, you’re in the river, so keep swimming.” This means, that in spite of all the obstacles I have to keep moving forward–Even if it’s “turtle-ing” it. I can only hope people are understanding. But even that’s out my control. I can only pray. What’s my control right now? Only my truth.


11 thoughts on ““Now, you’re in the river, so keep swimming.”

  1. You are refreshing. And you are right…truth is all we have and truth always wins. Sometimes when I was “swimming” I had to turn on my back and just float for awhile. It takes a lot less effort. Thanks for your post.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I always hear Dory’s voice from Finding Nemo…”keep swimming, keep swimming!”

    We really do just need to keep swimming!!

    Liked by 1 person

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