What God Is To Me

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Call me weak or crazy for believing in God.
Where were you in my darkest hour?
Did you wipe away the constant tears?
Forgive my religiosity for believing in Him.
We humans barely have time–time for ourselves,
Or even our top five.
So I don’t blame you.
But I won’t tame,
what God is to me.

©anaprose.com 2019

Image credit to Pixabay.com

12 thoughts on “What God Is To Me

  1. Hey you have such a good way with words, I pray your gift will bless you in ways you never dreamt possible. I was with broadcast years ago and after 6years was burnt out. I said,” God show me life, that my words will be real life.” Whoa. He took (is still doing that) me via the vale of the shadow of death. I survived, now my youngest child is in it. I was losing it big time, then got to writing again, from the hearth of pain, with gratitude for every bruise. It was a paradigm shift, I cant explain it enough, still searching for the right words. Stay blest, cuz you are.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, thank you for your words. They really do mean a lot. Sorry to hear about your pain. And I’m glad that you’ve find a way to endure as well as express yourself through your work and faith. I don’t know what it is about pain, but it brings out this other side of us, hope and courage despite feeling hopelessness at times. Also, I tried to follow your blog, but it’s not letting me for some reason. Thank you, again. 🌹


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