Sound of Freedom (Official Trailer)

  Support Sound of Freedom. It stars Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, and Kurt Fuller. It's an uncomfortable subject, but it exposes the human trafficking industry, especially child trafficking, a multi-billion-dollar industry. It will soon trespass illegal narcotics. Sound of Freedom premiers May 11, Angel's Studios. "Tune into Illuminate via the Angel Studios app, Facebook, or YouTube live stream on May 11 at 7 p.m. MT." 

Cole Sprouse On How He Dealt with Pain

I don't wear victimhood on my shoulder. I don't like to act like I am my wounds and repeatedly be reminded of my wounds. What happened in my youth carved me and forged me into the person I am today for better—purely better. We trade trauma for wisdom. When we go through heavy experiences, it deepens our eyes."

Grace Van Dien, The Dark Side of Hollywood

How many actors and actresses actually do sacrifice their morals and ethics? How many have to sell their soul in exchange for fame and money, but the fine print comes at a cost? Maybe those "has-beens" or the "one-hit-wonders" did read the fine print, and they walked away proudly, knowing that they would never sacrifice their honor, pride, and morals over money and fame. On the latter, of course, I am speculating. But the more these stories come out, you never know. 

Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Is So Cute & Thought-Provoking

The whole point of the film is to be grateful for what you already have at your mercy, to be selfless and kind-hearted, and most of all, that one life is enough to be enriching. Allow yourself to be the change and self-reflect. Death is coming to us all, sooner or later. So let's live life instead of living it in fear. 

Let People Evolve: Hailey Bieber vs Selena Gomez

Many of us may not have tabloids writing about us or keeping tabs on everything we do, but we do have those people (relatives and "friends") keeping tabs on us and hoping we break down one day. Because they don't seek change and refuse to evolve, they don't want you to change either. But as always, keep going. Keep moving.

Does the Bible Condemn Working Women? (3 min. Rd.)

The Bible doesn't condemn working women or state that "women only belong in the kitchen or at home." It certainly doesn't say that women are only this one thing or the other. They can be productive at home, out of the house, or both. The Proverbs 31 Woman is wise, nurturing, caring, loving, and strong, and "she suffers nothing from laziness."

A Prophet Without Honor (5 min. Rd)

Have you ever heard of the phrase: "Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.'" If you haven't, it's a quote from the Bible, Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. You may read it if you'd like. But in short, Jesus was from Nazareth, … Continue reading A Prophet Without Honor (5 min. Rd)