What Is Your Creative Writing Process, Writer?

Today I only have a simply question for you. What is your creative writing process? What are your little quirks as a creative writer? What inspires you to write: poetry, lyrics, blogs, short stories, micro-fiction, fiction, non-fiction, etc.? I'll bulletproof mine below. It's not detailed because that would take me a book. But it's enough to share with you my part of my creative writing process. What's yours? Let me know in the comment section. Have a blessed week, everyone!

My Tools For My Audio/Video

Hello, everyone. As I mentioned recently in the last blog, I started a Youtube channel. Where am I going with it? Well, I'm still building the idea. However, I have two set ideas for it. Before I explain what I am using for my videos, I'll tell you about my plans. (Quickly, I have to … Continue reading My Tools For My Audio/Video

My Youtube Channel Update

Hello, everyone. I mentioned that I started a Youtube account. However, the more I learn about how it works, the more I can maneuver my way around the channel. I finally figured out how to create a channel with a title I choose. So, I will provide you with my Youtube channel link, Writers & … Continue reading My Youtube Channel Update

The Wretched & His Stench

The wretched walk with a stench. The infected deflected by relatives and friends. Your demeanor, a fiend that offends the myths of their thoughts—the thoughts of those without financial worries. Your empty wallet yells, “Please, lend me some money.” Your mind debates, “Should I ask for some money to get by this month? I really … Continue reading The Wretched & His Stench

Developing My Character

Hello, everyone. If you've read my previous blogs, you know that I am writing a book, an urban fantasy. It's about a woman who struggles with obesity and the mental issues that comes with not feeling pretty. My story takes place both in my character's present world, our earth, and some alternative universe where she … Continue reading Developing My Character

So Get To It! (3 min. Rd.)

One of the main things that I have noticed since beginning this blog is that I receive more support from people I don't know. In the beginning, it bothered me. Now, I don't care. I worked very hard on my blog, and I continue to do so. And of course, I do have those loyal … Continue reading So Get To It! (3 min. Rd.)

Am I A Writer?

What does it mean when you read your own chapters that you are currently writing, and you find interesting? Sometimes I even ask, “I wrote that?” And it could be due to my disgust at the writing or a positive of thought of my own writing. A couple of weeks ago, I found an academic … Continue reading Am I A Writer?